Tuesday, August 11, 2009


That's it. I went to a club this weekend and got so tired from swinging my fat around that we didn't even actually make it to the main club. I got home and I just felt so fat.

Today my elliptical has arrived and yesterday I received my The Firm "TransFIRMation". I really enjoy the sculpting video I already own... but this is a whole package with a five week plan to get you started. Tonight I start. And tomorrow I'll start my morning energy boosts of doing the elliptical before work/class.

I'm really excited for all of this! Like, I WANT to work out. I want to see results... but I'm finally willing to actually do something about it! I've had my moment of disgust. I need to get over that hump. that second day hump where i'm too tired or i'm in too much pain. I need to envision myself in my jeans without stomach bulge. I need to envision my athletic legs and arms again. I need to want it.

Weak Desires Yield Weak Results.
This is my time. This is my time to show the world who i am again.
*Disclaimer: I understand that I'm complaining about a weight that some of you whom I follow here on blogger would be okay with. I want you to know that I understand the struggle of losing weight. At 5'3'' 177 is boardering obsesity. I used to be an athletic 122 lbs build. That's healthy for me. Good luck with your journey! As i hope you wish me well on mine :)

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