So the picture above is the dress that i would like to buy/wear to any formal event i have for the rest of my life. I think it's classic, classy, beautiful, timeless. My problem is... i have to order is online and I have no idea what size to get. I want to say 7... but i feel like it's probably more along the lines of a 9. Then what happens if i ... rather WHEN i actually lose the weight? Can this dress be altered? Or will i be doomed to only be able to wear it one marvelous night?
Or maybe i should just skip this wonderful looking piece of art and say that i'm not allowed to buy anything wonderful until i actually fulfill the promise i made to myself... I must lose this weight!
This week has been such a waste. In so many ways, but specifically... me letting myself down. It's been almost a week now since i worked out... Walking to campus today hurt my leg and that's a little scary considering I have a 5k to run in A WEEK!!
Furthermore, I was talking to my boyfriend about working over the summer. I was going to pick up another job on top of the one that i already have lined up for the summer... and he was like "no because we already don't see enough of each other plus we'll never have time to start training for our MARATHON!"
Not going to lie... how fucking awesome would it be to say that i actually COMPLETED a marathon??? But i think i'll have to seriously train for a few more 5k and 10ks before even thinking of attempting a HALF MARATHON.. then maybe, maybe one day work myself up to a full marathon!
I digress. Long story short... I think i gained weight this week. I ate onion rings two days in a row and now my body feels all gross and unforgiving. The pictures this week will be not too pleasing. I'll try posting those on saturday or sunday (once i've taken them).
and again, if anyone actually takes the time to read these posts... i'd really liked your comments. It's hard going through this alone. -- Even though i know i'm not the only one who is unhappy with their weight and struggling to make the change for the better!
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