Thursday, April 16, 2009
I've signed up for the Y ANDDDD i can drive stick now with confidence.
Now on monday i'm going to head to my first yoga class! Provided my dizziness is as good as i'm thinking it's going to be! :)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
tips: 2 lbs a week
Losing two pounds a week: try to burn 500 calories per day for a total of 3,500 a week.
Activities to burn 500 calories:
• Walk 40 minutes at a level 8 on a hilly course (or crank up the incline on the treadmill).
• Do 36 minutes of running intervals: Jog for 1 minute at a level 5, sprint 1 minute at a level 9. Repeat 18 times.
• Take a 45-minute Spinning class.
• Dance to a good beat for 72 minutes at a level 7.
• Hit the elliptical machine for 60 minutes, doing intervals. Do 2 minutes at a level 8, then 1 minute at a level 5. Repeat 20 times.
• Swim freestyle for 50 minutes at a level 8.
• Use the rowing machine for 40 minutes, doing intervals: Go 8 minutes at a level 8, then 2 minutes at a level 4. Repeat 4 times.
Activities to burn 250 calories:
• Walk for 35 minutes at a level 7.
• Run for 20 minutes at a level 7.
• Bike for 30 minutes at a level 5.
• Dance for 50 minutes at a level 4.
• Hit the elliptical machine for 30 minutes at a level 8.
• Swim freestyle for 25 minutes at a level 8.
• Use the rowing machine for 28 minutes at a level 8.
Activities to burn 100 calories:
• Walk for 25 minutes at a level 4.
• Run for 12 minutes at a level 4.
• Bike for 17 minutes at a level 4.
• Dance for 20 minutes at a level 4.
• Hit the elliptical machine for 15 minutes at a level 5.
• Swim freestyle for 15 minutes at a level 5.
• Use the rowing machine for 25 minutes at a level 5.
Here are some simple steps in order to lose 2 pounds a week:
1. Cut down on empty calories - In today's society, we all put so much junk into our bodies that it's no wonder there's an obesity epidemic. If you want to lose 2 pounds a week, you need to cut down on empty and useless calories. Here's how: cut down on fast food, fried food, food items with trans fat (read the label on the package if you're not sure), alcohol, sugary sodas like coca-cola, 7Up, and the like, white carbs like regular rice and white bread. Also turn your snacks into healthy ones by exchanging your regular candy bar for a piece of fresh fruit.
2. Break down your meals - Even if you're already eating nothing but healthy dishes, by spreading out your calorie intake throughout the day, you will have an easier time of losing 2 lbs a week. If you're eating large meals, break them down into small meals and snacks. The best number of meals for you to eat is 4--6 each day. This will help your body utilize your calories better instead of turning them into fat.
3. Become more active - Even a slight increase in your physical activity levels can work wonders on your body and help you to lose 2 pounds in 1 week. You don't need expensive exercise machines or a gym membership. Take a 30--60 minute walk 3--4 times a week, do some bodyweight exercises at home like push ups or squats, climb some stairs, or even go out dancing. Each of these activities will help you burn a lot of calories and lose 2 pounds a week.
4. Avoid stressful situations - Stress is the number 1 cause of binge eating. Even a single binge episode can ruin your weight loss efforts. Stress has also been shown to biologically affect the metabolic process in a negative way. Try to avoid stressful situations and maintain a positive mood.
5k round two
This website is great to help you track your training:
BF made a good point though. When will i start to feel well enough to start training?
Week one (let's see if i can stand up straight...)
Week | Workout 1 | Workout 2 | Workout 3 |
1 | Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. | Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. | Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. |
Been slacking on the pictures AND the eating right...
I went to the doctor on thursday and on top of finding out that i'm sick with my second inner-ear infection which effects my balance and i'm generally just dizzy all the time. Blah. But yeah, in addition to finding out that i was sick. I also found out that i weight 172 pounds.
I can't even explain the feeling i got when the big weight met 150lbs and then the small weight glided effortlessly towards the 20lbs mark. WHAT?! 172 lbs. It's so hard to not keep thinking about the easiest ways out. Ya know, those pills that surely cause cancer...
I keep making excuses. "I'm out of town.. it's okay to eat here" "one last time" "Oh, tomorrow."
Well.. here are the pictures. Worse than ever.
Also, new dates to keep in mind:
5/2: Formal: Goal Weight: 162 lbs
6/6: Graduation day Goal weight: 152 lbs
7/12: Beach Vacation Goal weight: 142 lbs
8/20: Time to buy new "teacher" clothes Goal Weight: 132 lbs
My ultimate goal is 130lbs. But, damn, i remember when "130 was the heaviest I had ever been!" and now i'm trying to work off 40 pounds on top of that!
Okay. Time to get serious.

Monday, April 6, 2009
i signed up
ok i lied
Today, i weigh 166lbs. I would like to at least weight 150 for my graduation in 61 days -- and that's still on the heavy side, in my opinion.
I have 61 days (9 weeks)
I have 9 weeks to lose at least 16 lbs. If i lose 2 lbs a week, that'll leave me at 18lbs, 2 lbs over my 16 lbs goal.
Furthermore, i have formal coming up in May. I bought two different dresses and i doubt i can fit into either of them. So i'm going to aim for the 18 lbs by june 6th... but i'm hoping for a complete change in body shape in the next month... Ambitious or stupid? Either or... it's my fault that i'm just realizing NOW how much time i DON'T HAVE...
Week of April 5 - 11
Start weight: 116lbs
Monday: Run at the gym, the firm dvd
Tuesday: Run at the gym, the firm dvd
Wednesday: Run at the gym, the firm dvd
Thursday: Run at the gym, the firm dvd
Friday: Run at friend's house
Saturday: 5k
End Weight:
Week of April 12 - 18 The firm, Debbie and Amanda week
Start weight
End Weight:
Friday, April 3, 2009
interesting site that i'll have to try when at work...
p.s. i was searching blogger for more of you out there like me! You're there! I want to know more about you! I want a support network!
my slump week is over.
So the picture above is the dress that i would like to buy/wear to any formal event i have for the rest of my life. I think it's classic, classy, beautiful, timeless. My problem is... i have to order is online and I have no idea what size to get. I want to say 7... but i feel like it's probably more along the lines of a 9. Then what happens if i ... rather WHEN i actually lose the weight? Can this dress be altered? Or will i be doomed to only be able to wear it one marvelous night?
Or maybe i should just skip this wonderful looking piece of art and say that i'm not allowed to buy anything wonderful until i actually fulfill the promise i made to myself... I must lose this weight!
This week has been such a waste. In so many ways, but specifically... me letting myself down. It's been almost a week now since i worked out... Walking to campus today hurt my leg and that's a little scary considering I have a 5k to run in A WEEK!!
Furthermore, I was talking to my boyfriend about working over the summer. I was going to pick up another job on top of the one that i already have lined up for the summer... and he was like "no because we already don't see enough of each other plus we'll never have time to start training for our MARATHON!"
Not going to lie... how fucking awesome would it be to say that i actually COMPLETED a marathon??? But i think i'll have to seriously train for a few more 5k and 10ks before even thinking of attempting a HALF MARATHON.. then maybe, maybe one day work myself up to a full marathon!
I digress. Long story short... I think i gained weight this week. I ate onion rings two days in a row and now my body feels all gross and unforgiving. The pictures this week will be not too pleasing. I'll try posting those on saturday or sunday (once i've taken them).
and again, if anyone actually takes the time to read these posts... i'd really liked your comments. It's hard going through this alone. -- Even though i know i'm not the only one who is unhappy with their weight and struggling to make the change for the better!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I've Fallen Off the Wagon...
Emotions suck. Emotions suck hardcore! I feel like I am being suffocated by my emotions!
I was doing really well. I was going to the gym and if i didn't go to the gym I would either work out at home or go on a long walk with the boyfriend. Even on the day of my last post where I said i didn't out work.. I ended up going on a two mile walk! It was the day after that (Monday?) that ruined me.
Recently I've been so stressed and frustrated with my professors, to the point of tears.... That my mood has just been unbearable. Now I've realized (yet again) that if it's not one thing, it's another. This time it's at least connected though. Because of my unfair grade, i'm being punished by my extracurriculars. It's spring term, senior year... This is it. I don't get another try. I'm done after this.
Well, the point is... that I finally put the grade behind me... I was finally excited about my new classes.... and then this organization starts riding my ass and bringing it all up again. It's the first official week of classes and I'm already planning that this weekend I'm going to be playing "catch-up" on my readings! WTF!
Not to mention the point of this blog... which is to lose the weight! To get healthy! To complete a 5k without dying. I just weighed myself and I weigh 168lbs this morning. I've been eating like shit since sunday. I've been feeling like shit since before then. shit shit shitty shit shit. Yeah.
Today I have a packed-full day. Class, work, work again, lab and then maybe a meeting that i haven't decided yet if i'm going to.
I know.. you're never going to have time unless you make it. But today... I don't have time. Because I have to fit in everything i didn't do yesterday and everything I have to do today into a day that I have very limited time!
Okay. Enough bitching. i'm feeling a little bit better. Thankfully.