Sunday, August 16, 2009
Yesterday i spent the day at a water park. I wore a bikini. I went with two of the skinniest girls i know. And I felt alright. I knew that there were going to be people there who looked great and others that looking awful (in my opinion). And I did learn a very valuable truth... we are all just human. This standard that I'm trying to set for myself... It's not unrealistic. But, I know that I have to be patient. Even if that is hard.
I feel really bad right now.. But maybe that's a good thing? I know all the crap i ate last week. I know that three oreos equal 4 pts. I know this. And that'll help me get to where I want to be. I just have to be patient. It's not going to happen over night. Unfortunately. :(
Friday, August 14, 2009
my journey towards transFIRMation
I think today, when i get home from work i'm going to do the following:
- find the Firm video that I know and love for days that I don't want to do the cardio party.
- do a 20 minute warm up on the ellipitcal (since i didn't do it this morning)
- Hi-Def Express
- Cardio Express
Get me feeling like i'm doing something. Plus, it'll get me ready for tomorrow's beach outting. not that I'm ready to be in a bikini by any means... but maybe it'll tighten some of the jigglies. Here's to hoping anyway!
Also, yesterday I did very well with eating a balanced day's worth of food. Maybe it helped that I could hardly chew anything... but i was proud of myself and can't wait for Sunday to do the measurements and weighing... just to see if there is even a slight change! --Though i'm not going to be discouarged if there isn't a physical change yet. Losing weight is almost more about the mental than it is the physical... and I'm feeling pretty good and motivated mentally! So that will result in great physical changes!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
i did it! i did it!
My boyfriend put together my new elliptical last night! Day-ummm that thing is hard! I wasn't expecting to it be... But i guess i'll go in chornological order first.
Okay, after my boyfriend put together my elliptical I knew that I wanted to do the first day of my transFIRMation (i can't get over the corniness of that name!) So i opted to do the firm that night and the elliptical in the morning.
So last night was my first night of the transFIRMation. I did the 45 minute Hi-Def Sculpting workout without weights. The only thing i didn't do last night was one of the abs segments. It was a really good workout without making you feel like you just died inside. Tonight is the "Cardio Party" but I have to figure out when I'm going to do it since I committed myself to going to a picnic after work today. Not the point... the point is i'm excited!! wahoo!!
This morning I woke up at about 630 and did 10 minutes on the elliptical. Now, like I was saying, that thing is HARD! The resistance is actually really tough! The sad part is... It's clearly not gym quality... which means I feel a little like i'm too heavy for it. I know I'm not... But it's just not as strudy as the ones at the gym (but that's to be expected...) I need to work out the kinks and figure out what all the buttons mean... but other than that, doing 10 minutes was a definite challenge! I'm really impressed.
Afterwards I ate BREAKFAST!!! -- I've been trying to train myself to eat breakfast more frequently since I'll need to do that once school starts up again (plus, it's just healthy.) And now I'm full. And I'm interested to see how long until i'm hungry again... Like, lunch hungry. But I have my blueberries to snack on, so I should be fine.
I am, however, extremely tired. The morning workout did give me a little extra boost of energy, but it really didn't last too long. Now it's an hour into my work shift and all i can think about is a nap! Not to mention even before working out this week I've been taking 2 -3 hour naps every day. Hopefully this boost of energy that working out is supposed to give you will kick in sooner rather than later... I need it.
So the Firm also has this guarentee that you'll see results by the 10th work out... The truth is, I believe them. And that belief is making my motivation go up! In my planner I have written each workout for the day and how many days away from "results" i am. Currently I am 11 days away including the resting days! 11 days! That's very exciting!
Another thing that I like about the Firm is that these girls are not stick thin. Some of them still have super thick thighs. Some of them have really round butts. So that makes me believe that they are normal... and not gimicky. Which is nice and reliable. The girl that did last night's workout however, messed up quite a few times by directing us to do things via her voice which contradicted her actions. But, that's not a terribly big deal. Oh well. And my back is tight, but not like i can't/refuse to move ever again. So i'm good!
So that's what i've got. I've got an elliptical workout going on in the morning. And I've got a Firm workout going on most nights. Plus I'm doing the points again. Which I think is working out great! I'm realizing how much I eat and things like peanut butter and jelly that seems harmless really is actually about 13 points! Only using 24 points a day, that's over half my allotted points!
So yay!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Today my elliptical has arrived and yesterday I received my The Firm "TransFIRMation". I really enjoy the sculpting video I already own... but this is a whole package with a five week plan to get you started. Tonight I start. And tomorrow I'll start my morning energy boosts of doing the elliptical before work/class.
I'm really excited for all of this! Like, I WANT to work out. I want to see results... but I'm finally willing to actually do something about it! I've had my moment of disgust. I need to get over that hump. that second day hump where i'm too tired or i'm in too much pain. I need to envision myself in my jeans without stomach bulge. I need to envision my athletic legs and arms again. I need to want it.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
STOP IT! ... or start it... which ever way you want to look at it.
I need to keep telling myself that apparently. I don't know what else it'll take to get it through to me that OCCASSIONALLY eating well/moderate doesn't make me LOSE WEIGHT. Maintaining weight is great too... Just not when you have about 40 lbs to lose!
Today i will go home, work out. Wait until the BF gets home, order the eliptical and get the elipitical by next week so that i seriously have NO MORE FREAKIN EXCUSES!!!
I have been feeling vertigo-ish lately. But i think that if i go home, take my medicine and then work out after relaxing for a little while, i'll feel fine. I hope.
You will never have time unless you make it. Right now I've got to make it.
Friday, July 31, 2009
This Year I Will...
Anyway... I made a list so far of thoughts going through my head as I read the first few chapters.
When did I stop feeling pretty?
- Last summer. I was overweight, missing teeth, had no where to go (no job, few friends in the area, no car) no clothes that fit me and i became depressed.
What stops me from working towards my goals?
- My boyfriend's (good intention) lies. I'm beautiful. I'm sexy. I'm not fat. I dont have stretchmarks.... etc...
- My habit of being tired and overwhelmed all too easily.
- My habit of making excuses
- my habit of procrastination.
What do I desire? What do I love?
- I love feeling fit and self sufficent
- I love being happy and full of energy.
- I love feeling pretty. Just putting on an outfit and some make up and knowing and feeling that "Damn.. i look good!"
- I love me, my health and my well being.
- I love my boyfriend... and i miss my sex drive. We'd have less frustration a lot of the time if i'd just feel comfortable being naked and being intimate.
- I love jean skirts and fitted shirts... with flip flops and good summer music.
That list may seem out of order... But regardless of order.. I'm feeling really good. I'm optimistic. I'm sore from my new workout routine and i'm excited to go home after work to do day two of it.
I'm only 22... I still have lots of time to live my life to the fullest! i want to roam around on a beach in my bikini... I want to walk around naked in own house if that's what i so choose to do! I want to feel comfortable in my own skin.... and being overweight is a huge reason as to why i don't yet. I want to go swimming and not wear shirts and shorts over my bathing suit. I want to be me again.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
However, yesterday I played some softball... and loved it! I had such a great time and I had forgotten how much i missed not only playing the sport, but being athletic.
So today I made a decision. The decision that this is it. The cellulite, the stretch marks, the lack of sex drive, the avoidance of mirrors... All of it... I'm done.
This body is what I have made of it. Granted there were some down falls.... But I'm over that now. NOW is the time to start living again.
Monday, July 27, 2009
I would imagine
1. a muffin from a local restaurant here is HALF of my daily points. I wish i figured that out BEFORE i ate it for breakfast.
2. French Fries, less surprisingly, are also half my points for the day. I wish i cared enough to look that up before i decided to eat those today too!
3. The yogurt that i like eating has absolutely no fiber in it..
4. Clothes, even the slightest shorts and tank tops, weight a lot more than one might imagine.
Anyway -- Yesterday was day zero. My boyfriend and I took pictures of each other, naked. We weighed ourselves. We measured multiple areas of our bodies, and then we made a spread sheet. Now, every Sunday we will continue to do the same thing. I currently weigh in at 172, and him at 180. We both have the same "chest" size. His being more about width of the chest and back, mine being actual breast size... but i think just figuring that out even made him more aware of what's going on in his own body.
However, after our vacation and our weekend home, it was really reassuring to know that he does still think i'm as sexy as ever, even though I think i'm gross. Saturday I got all dressed up to go out with some friends... and it was really nice to feel wanted. And I knew he wanted me all day long. --Well he told me, it wasn't that hard to figure out.
Today i just need to make sure I get a work out in. Yesterday we played softball and I worked up a sweat, and i was clearly working out some aspects of my body because i'm extremely tight and sore today... but i need a REAL work out. Or at least I need a harder one. So i can feel better about myself. And sweating. God, i hate sweating. haha
Anyway... now that my boyfriend is on board with this too... I feel a lot better.. Maybe we'll even go for a run tonight when the sun goes down.
Monday, June 29, 2009
6:15 am
I'm tired now, but I plan on going to the Y today (maybe after a nap?) to do some cardio.
I think i like this routine. We'll see just how cranky i am at 4p though. :)
oh p.s. 173 lbs this morning!!!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sad Day...
Yesterday my boyfriend got "miffed" at me (as he put it) because I spent a little over $100 on clothes. His stance is completely understandable. I DO have a ton of clothes. However, i explained to him that a) it was an extremely good sale. (It was! I got a whole big box of clothes for under $120!) b) since i gained weight i don't have a lot of clothes that fit me.. and since it's summer it's really uncomfortable to wear clothes that don't fit. and c) i can use them for student teaching. I also explained that about 80% of the clothes that I have are clothes that don't fit me anymore but i can't really let go of.
So today when i woke up I decided to clean out my closet. I have two full bins of clothes to donate. I have a big pile of more professional clothes to give to a friend. Those were the hardest to realize that I'm not going to fit into. They were Gap size 4 pants. If they were 6's I might hang on to them. But it's going to take a VERY long time to get back into a 4. And she's currently in the process of applying for more professional jobs. So might as well have them. :(
There were a few things that I hung on to. A few skirts. It'd be really nice to fit back into them.
All in all it was kind of relieving to go through everything.
The fact (haha i almost wrote 'fat') of the matter is.... i have some really nice clothes. I like looking nice and getting dressed up. I don't need to spend money on a bunch of new clothes because I have a ton of "Like New" clothes hanging up in my very own closet.
I just need to get out there and do more. I need to get out there and work out for the sake of working out. GO TO THE GYM EVERY DAY AGAIN. Care about what I'm eating (which I've been doing.)
It was a sad day. But i'm done denying. I'm done lying to myself. I'm done pretending. I'm ready to transform. I'm ready to be me again.
Today I weigh 175 again. Earlier this week I was excited to weigh 173 and feel a little tighter.
This is the day I take myself seriously.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
day two
The best part is that I'm having a great time at the gym. Even if i only go for 30 minutes... i feel SO good afterward! SO GOOD! It is the best part of my day. And I haven't come home upset/frustrated/fiesty like i had been doing since my summer hours started... Which is not only fantastic for me, but also those who surround themselves with me.
I have a gym buddy but it's less about working out together and more about giving each other the motivation to go, point blank. Tomorrow, she can't go. Thursday I can't go. and Friday she's leaving for vacation. I think she'll be back on tuesday... but i'll just have to find the motivation in myself. It's open until 9. I can do it :)
I just have to remember to weigh myself in the morning!
Monday, June 22, 2009
But now I realize that finding out how much something is "worth" is actually really pretty simple provided you have internet access. And I feel very satisfied. So yay. Now all I have to remember to do is weigh myself tomorrow morning since I forgot to today.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Weight Watchers
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I just need to get my butt into the gym. Am i embarassed? I know I've just been ridiculously tired these past few days... But, after the spare room is cleared out and everything is put away tonight... Debbie is starting! I will see and feel a difference before going on vacation.
Monday, June 15, 2009
New week:
Monday: Walked to work
This weekend was kind of a bust, kind of not? I has some much overdue fun. Slept in on Sunday. Forced myself to walk this morning. Now i'm good. Motivated. Hungry for health!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
post graduation
This week's agenda:
Get a better eating schedule/habits
Clean my house
Put my new couch together
Go for a walk every night after dinner.
ride bike/walk/rollerblade to work at least once this week (depending on weather)
Next week's agenda:
Go to the Y at least twice that week
ride bike/walk/rollerblade to work at least three times (depending on the weather)
Continue with the eating right and regularly.
Two weeks out:
Start re-training for the 5k.
Start 100 pushup challenge.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Food Journal:
Breakfast: Yogurt with granola, flaxseed, and a few chocolate chips.
Lunch: two waffles with syrup
Dinner: Fries, Grilled Cheese and Cucumbers
June 3, 2009:
Breakfast/Lunch: Breakfast Bagel and 3 Mozz Sticks.
Dinner: Portobella Sandwich, Spinach Bisque
Dessert: Half a portion (shared) of tiramisu
June 4, 2009:
Breakfast: Yogurt, flaxseed, granola, banana
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Now that the school year is over...
First one being: KEEP UP WITH THE BLOG BETTER! I know that by keeping up with the blog on a daily or bi-daily basis I'll be able to remind myself of how i'm going about obtaining my goal.
2. Not get bogged down by working. This summer I will be working full time at a not-so-exciting job. I will have nearly no access to sunlight, will be in front of a computer/phone for 7-8 hours a day. This is exhausting work, even though i'm not doing anything. Or rather than exhausting it's just not mentally stimulating. I know myself... I know that when I get home all i'm going to want to do is lay in bed with the boyfriend and the cats, eat dinner and then maybe watch a movie. BUT THIS CANNOT BE MY LIFE!! NO NO NO!
3. ACTUALLY GO TO THE Y! I've been paying for two months now... and I haven't gone once. Part of that was because I got vertigo again... and working out with vertigo isn't safe. But being busy isn't an excuse and being lazy is an even lamer excuse than being busy! So i'm going! I'm going to make a schedule and i'm going to stick with it! And I'm going to DO something about my problem!
4. Try this: . If it works out I'll take the pull-ups and the sqwats too. If it doesn't work out... It doesn't work out, whatever.. I have other options. This might even be a fun challenge to do with my boyfriend.
5. Speaking of boyfriend..... WE NEED TO STOP EATING OUT ALL OF THE TIME! Which means I need to start cooking more. And learn how to cook things other than pasta!
6. Eat more balanced meals.
7. Not eat/drink so many empty calories. I'm not real interested in getting drunk every weekend anyway.... But if i do drink... just make it worth something.
I think those are all of my goals right now. But if you do read... It might be a long, bitching summer! I'm at 170. I keep getting bigger! I have a lot of work to do!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I've signed up for the Y ANDDDD i can drive stick now with confidence.
Now on monday i'm going to head to my first yoga class! Provided my dizziness is as good as i'm thinking it's going to be! :)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
tips: 2 lbs a week
Losing two pounds a week: try to burn 500 calories per day for a total of 3,500 a week.
Activities to burn 500 calories:
• Walk 40 minutes at a level 8 on a hilly course (or crank up the incline on the treadmill).
• Do 36 minutes of running intervals: Jog for 1 minute at a level 5, sprint 1 minute at a level 9. Repeat 18 times.
• Take a 45-minute Spinning class.
• Dance to a good beat for 72 minutes at a level 7.
• Hit the elliptical machine for 60 minutes, doing intervals. Do 2 minutes at a level 8, then 1 minute at a level 5. Repeat 20 times.
• Swim freestyle for 50 minutes at a level 8.
• Use the rowing machine for 40 minutes, doing intervals: Go 8 minutes at a level 8, then 2 minutes at a level 4. Repeat 4 times.
Activities to burn 250 calories:
• Walk for 35 minutes at a level 7.
• Run for 20 minutes at a level 7.
• Bike for 30 minutes at a level 5.
• Dance for 50 minutes at a level 4.
• Hit the elliptical machine for 30 minutes at a level 8.
• Swim freestyle for 25 minutes at a level 8.
• Use the rowing machine for 28 minutes at a level 8.
Activities to burn 100 calories:
• Walk for 25 minutes at a level 4.
• Run for 12 minutes at a level 4.
• Bike for 17 minutes at a level 4.
• Dance for 20 minutes at a level 4.
• Hit the elliptical machine for 15 minutes at a level 5.
• Swim freestyle for 15 minutes at a level 5.
• Use the rowing machine for 25 minutes at a level 5.
Here are some simple steps in order to lose 2 pounds a week:
1. Cut down on empty calories - In today's society, we all put so much junk into our bodies that it's no wonder there's an obesity epidemic. If you want to lose 2 pounds a week, you need to cut down on empty and useless calories. Here's how: cut down on fast food, fried food, food items with trans fat (read the label on the package if you're not sure), alcohol, sugary sodas like coca-cola, 7Up, and the like, white carbs like regular rice and white bread. Also turn your snacks into healthy ones by exchanging your regular candy bar for a piece of fresh fruit.
2. Break down your meals - Even if you're already eating nothing but healthy dishes, by spreading out your calorie intake throughout the day, you will have an easier time of losing 2 lbs a week. If you're eating large meals, break them down into small meals and snacks. The best number of meals for you to eat is 4--6 each day. This will help your body utilize your calories better instead of turning them into fat.
3. Become more active - Even a slight increase in your physical activity levels can work wonders on your body and help you to lose 2 pounds in 1 week. You don't need expensive exercise machines or a gym membership. Take a 30--60 minute walk 3--4 times a week, do some bodyweight exercises at home like push ups or squats, climb some stairs, or even go out dancing. Each of these activities will help you burn a lot of calories and lose 2 pounds a week.
4. Avoid stressful situations - Stress is the number 1 cause of binge eating. Even a single binge episode can ruin your weight loss efforts. Stress has also been shown to biologically affect the metabolic process in a negative way. Try to avoid stressful situations and maintain a positive mood.
5k round two
This website is great to help you track your training:
BF made a good point though. When will i start to feel well enough to start training?
Week one (let's see if i can stand up straight...)
Week | Workout 1 | Workout 2 | Workout 3 |
1 | Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. | Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. | Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. |
Been slacking on the pictures AND the eating right...
I went to the doctor on thursday and on top of finding out that i'm sick with my second inner-ear infection which effects my balance and i'm generally just dizzy all the time. Blah. But yeah, in addition to finding out that i was sick. I also found out that i weight 172 pounds.
I can't even explain the feeling i got when the big weight met 150lbs and then the small weight glided effortlessly towards the 20lbs mark. WHAT?! 172 lbs. It's so hard to not keep thinking about the easiest ways out. Ya know, those pills that surely cause cancer...
I keep making excuses. "I'm out of town.. it's okay to eat here" "one last time" "Oh, tomorrow."
Well.. here are the pictures. Worse than ever.
Also, new dates to keep in mind:
5/2: Formal: Goal Weight: 162 lbs
6/6: Graduation day Goal weight: 152 lbs
7/12: Beach Vacation Goal weight: 142 lbs
8/20: Time to buy new "teacher" clothes Goal Weight: 132 lbs
My ultimate goal is 130lbs. But, damn, i remember when "130 was the heaviest I had ever been!" and now i'm trying to work off 40 pounds on top of that!
Okay. Time to get serious.

Monday, April 6, 2009
i signed up
ok i lied
Today, i weigh 166lbs. I would like to at least weight 150 for my graduation in 61 days -- and that's still on the heavy side, in my opinion.
I have 61 days (9 weeks)
I have 9 weeks to lose at least 16 lbs. If i lose 2 lbs a week, that'll leave me at 18lbs, 2 lbs over my 16 lbs goal.
Furthermore, i have formal coming up in May. I bought two different dresses and i doubt i can fit into either of them. So i'm going to aim for the 18 lbs by june 6th... but i'm hoping for a complete change in body shape in the next month... Ambitious or stupid? Either or... it's my fault that i'm just realizing NOW how much time i DON'T HAVE...
Week of April 5 - 11
Start weight: 116lbs
Monday: Run at the gym, the firm dvd
Tuesday: Run at the gym, the firm dvd
Wednesday: Run at the gym, the firm dvd
Thursday: Run at the gym, the firm dvd
Friday: Run at friend's house
Saturday: 5k
End Weight:
Week of April 12 - 18 The firm, Debbie and Amanda week
Start weight
End Weight:
Friday, April 3, 2009
interesting site that i'll have to try when at work...
p.s. i was searching blogger for more of you out there like me! You're there! I want to know more about you! I want a support network!
my slump week is over.
So the picture above is the dress that i would like to buy/wear to any formal event i have for the rest of my life. I think it's classic, classy, beautiful, timeless. My problem is... i have to order is online and I have no idea what size to get. I want to say 7... but i feel like it's probably more along the lines of a 9. Then what happens if i ... rather WHEN i actually lose the weight? Can this dress be altered? Or will i be doomed to only be able to wear it one marvelous night?
Or maybe i should just skip this wonderful looking piece of art and say that i'm not allowed to buy anything wonderful until i actually fulfill the promise i made to myself... I must lose this weight!
This week has been such a waste. In so many ways, but specifically... me letting myself down. It's been almost a week now since i worked out... Walking to campus today hurt my leg and that's a little scary considering I have a 5k to run in A WEEK!!
Furthermore, I was talking to my boyfriend about working over the summer. I was going to pick up another job on top of the one that i already have lined up for the summer... and he was like "no because we already don't see enough of each other plus we'll never have time to start training for our MARATHON!"
Not going to lie... how fucking awesome would it be to say that i actually COMPLETED a marathon??? But i think i'll have to seriously train for a few more 5k and 10ks before even thinking of attempting a HALF MARATHON.. then maybe, maybe one day work myself up to a full marathon!
I digress. Long story short... I think i gained weight this week. I ate onion rings two days in a row and now my body feels all gross and unforgiving. The pictures this week will be not too pleasing. I'll try posting those on saturday or sunday (once i've taken them).
and again, if anyone actually takes the time to read these posts... i'd really liked your comments. It's hard going through this alone. -- Even though i know i'm not the only one who is unhappy with their weight and struggling to make the change for the better!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I've Fallen Off the Wagon...
Emotions suck. Emotions suck hardcore! I feel like I am being suffocated by my emotions!
I was doing really well. I was going to the gym and if i didn't go to the gym I would either work out at home or go on a long walk with the boyfriend. Even on the day of my last post where I said i didn't out work.. I ended up going on a two mile walk! It was the day after that (Monday?) that ruined me.
Recently I've been so stressed and frustrated with my professors, to the point of tears.... That my mood has just been unbearable. Now I've realized (yet again) that if it's not one thing, it's another. This time it's at least connected though. Because of my unfair grade, i'm being punished by my extracurriculars. It's spring term, senior year... This is it. I don't get another try. I'm done after this.
Well, the point is... that I finally put the grade behind me... I was finally excited about my new classes.... and then this organization starts riding my ass and bringing it all up again. It's the first official week of classes and I'm already planning that this weekend I'm going to be playing "catch-up" on my readings! WTF!
Not to mention the point of this blog... which is to lose the weight! To get healthy! To complete a 5k without dying. I just weighed myself and I weigh 168lbs this morning. I've been eating like shit since sunday. I've been feeling like shit since before then. shit shit shitty shit shit. Yeah.
Today I have a packed-full day. Class, work, work again, lab and then maybe a meeting that i haven't decided yet if i'm going to.
I know.. you're never going to have time unless you make it. But today... I don't have time. Because I have to fit in everything i didn't do yesterday and everything I have to do today into a day that I have very limited time!
Okay. Enough bitching. i'm feeling a little bit better. Thankfully.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
today not so good...
yuck. And i'm so stiff from working out yesterday. I'm tired because I had sorority stuff all morning. and I still have about 4 chapters of reading to do before I can go to sleep.
I'm thinking a nap is in order. But yes, life happens. And today is an example of exactly that. I just need to make sure that I get back into the game tomorrow, if not tonight.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Read from bottom to top i guess?

This is awkward.. I have to learn to write first and then add pictures from the last to the first... Anyway, here is what I need to say:
Last week was a productive week in terms of being physically active and even eating better (but still not the best)
I went to the gym three times. I can jog for a half mile without feeling like i'm going to die. Unfortunately i still need to be able to run three more miles.. but hopefully i'll get there.
Today it's gross out and I really don't want to walk to campus so I think i'll stay home and do a work out dvd and the "warm up" that one of my friends showed me the other day. It's her father's tae kown doe (sp??) warm up. It's fucking HARD!
Unfortunately the stress of school also really got to me. I haven't been sleeping well... So especially yesterday I opted to go home and nap instead of going to the gym. And another day (Wednesday?) i was so upset and frustrated about a professor that I had to be consoled by a friend instead of going to work out.
I know that's lame. But life happens. And dispite life... i still made it to the gym three times. Doctors say that you should get at least 20 minutes of physical activity three times a week. So i'm beating that by 120 minutes!
The weather also has an affect on me. Like i said, i don't want to walk to campus in the cold windy mess that is today... But i'm also trying an alternative by working out at home. i just have to make sure i do it.
Clearly it's much easier to sit in bed all day wishing that i wasn't fat, wishing that the pounds would just melt away and that i could wear a dress without having to put baby power between my legs to avoid "chub rub." But this blog is to help motivate myself to make a change. A change for the better. A change in attitude. A change in appearance. If i want others to take me seriously... I have to take myself seriously. Sweat pants and hoodies are wonderful and comfortable.... but i'm about to enter the world of professionals... and gauchos can only get me so far!!!
Until tomorrow,
Friday, March 27, 2009
Week One 3.15
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I forgot about this blog.. thus, i forgot what my password was for it!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Cure: Cocoa Butter
I'm sitting here on a sunday morning debating whether i should:a. shower
b. go for a "run"
c. study for my midterm on tuesday
Today, and the last few days, I've been at a steady 158. The clothes that i bought this summer barely fit... and after sitting on a plastic tub... i fell straight through... scratching up my entire back and legs.
I did, however, just eat a banana for breakfast - in hopes of countering the entire medium pizza I ate last night!
however, I tried something new this week. I bought Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula for the stretch marks on my sides.... and .... THEY ARE MOSTLY FADED ALREADY! I just noticed this morning!
It was an exciting morning.
I need to come up with a plan and stick to it. It's soooo hard. But every time I walk around campus i find myself being very envious of a guy who used to weight 230 -easy... but after studying abroad looks like he weight less than I do now. I mean.. amazing for him! He looks great... But how the hell did he do it?
Well.. he broke his bad habits, i'm assuming. he exercises, eats right, drinks lots of water... All of those things that people should do when they're trying to lose weight.
I want to lose weight because:
I want to feel better about myself
and i'm too poor to buy new clothes.